The Fulfilled Life with Minh-Minh

How to be Super Confident With Martha Mok

October 20, 2020 Christine Minh-Minh Garner

Martha Mok is a super confidence coach, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, multi-award-winning International makeup artist & hairstylist and author of "Don't Survive...Thrive"
She guides women who may have had a similar experience as she did, being in an abusive marriage, bullied at school since a young age and sexually molested by someone she trusted to find themselves again by not letting their past hold them back.

She currently coaches in the areas of; life, business, self-worth and relationships.
By using her knowledge and personal experiences, she helps others to improve their life situation and create happiness.

With opting different strategies to unlock their fear and barriers, allows them to find the strength to face their challenges.

Her mission is: No women should suffer in silence